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1. haralanov - Çäðàâåéòå ã-í Ñïàñîâ
01.08.2008 08:02
Îãðîìíà âèíà çà ñëó÷âàùîòî ñå ïðåç ïîñëåäíèòå ñåäåì ãîäèíè èìàòå è ëè÷íî âèå.×å â ïðåäèøíèÿò ìàíäàò ñå êîàëèðàõòå ñ ÄÏÑ,à ïðè ñåãàøíîòî óïðàâëåíèå è ñ ÁÑÏ.Òîâà å ÷óäîâèùíî.Íå ãî ëè ðàçáèðàòå..?Ëè÷íî ïî íÿêàêúâ íà÷èí íàïîñëåäúê âè ñèìïàòèçèðàì,íî...êúñíî å.ÍÄÑ íà ïðàêòèêà âå÷å ÍßÌÀ.Òðÿáâà äà ñè áåçêðàéíî íåêàäúðåí,çà äà ñúñèïåø åäíî äâèæåíèå,êîåòî ïðåäè 7 ãîäèíè ñå ïîëçâàøå ñ 50 ïðîöåíòà îáùåñòâåíî äîâåðèå,à ñåãà çà ñúùîòî äâèæåíèå áèõà ãëàñóâàëè 1.5 ïðîöåíòà îò ãëàñîïîäàâàòåëèòå.Òîãàâà òîëêîâà ëè ãëóïàâè áÿõòå,òà íå çíàåõòå,÷å êîàëèöèÿ ñ êîìóíèñòèòå ùå âè íàïðàâè ïîëèòè÷åñêè òðóïîâå.?Èëè âëàñòòà è ïàðèòå áÿõà ïî-âàæíè.Ñàìî íå ìè êàçâàéòå,÷å å áèëî çàðàäè Åâðîïåéñêèòå ïåðñïåêòèâè ïðåä Áúëãàðèÿ.Òîçè îòãîâîð îòâðàùàâà è íàé-âåðíèòå âè ïðèâúðæåíèöè.
2. slavuncho - Àñîöèàöèÿòà ìè å - ãîâåäî -
01.08.2008 09:51
â îáèäíèÿ ñìèñúë íà äóìàòà. Äà ìå ïðîùàâàò äîáè÷åòàòà. Ãîâåäàðèòå ñà íÿêúäå èçâúí òåðèòîðèÿòà.
3. àíîíèìåí - Ìíîãî õóáàâî íàïèñàíî
02.08.2008 15:26
Áðàâî, ìíîãî äîáðî ñðàâíåíèå, è íå ñàìî òî å äîáðî îò òîâà, êîåòî â ïîñëåäíî âðåìå ãîâîðèòå è èçîáëè÷àâàòå. Ïðîäúëæàâàéòå âñå òàêà.
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4. àíîíèìåí - Èíòåðåñíî ìè å, ëè÷íî ëè ïèøåòå òóê
15.08.2008 21:59
Àêî äà, îñòàâàì ñè â ÍÄÑÂ, àêî ïàê íÿêîé ÏÐ ñ "áîëêè â êðúñòà" ìè ðúñè ìîçúê..........Íå ÷å ÷àêàì îòãîâîð, àìààààààààààà
5. àíîíèìåí - Ïðåäëîæåíèå
15.08.2008 22:17
Âñúùíîñò, àêî ïèøåòå ëè÷íî è àêî Âè ïóêà îò ïîëó÷åíèòå êîìåíòàðè, ïðåäëîæåòå íà âèñîêîìåðíèòå ñè êîëåãè (îò âñè÷êè áîè) äà ãî ïðàâÿò è òå .......ùå èì ïîìîãíå.
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6. haralanov - Î÷àêâàì îòãîâîð ã-í Ñïàñîâ
19.08.2008 14:26
Íå ñúì îòïðàâèë íèòî åäíà îáèäíà äóìà êúì âàñ,êàêòî òâúðäè àíîíèìíèêà ñëåä ìåí...Îò âàøèÿò èçáèðàòåëåí ðàéîí ñúì è ïðîñòî âè ïîïèòàõ íÿêîè íåùà...Î÷àêâàì îòãîâîð.
7. àíîíèìåí - bolki w krysta
19.08.2008 22:59
Ðàçáèðà ñå, ÷å ñàì ñè ãî ïèøà áëîãà. Çàòîâà àêî ïðîïèñêàì íÿêîÿ çàïåòàéêà- íå ñå ãíåâåòå. Íÿìàì ñè êîðåêòîð. À çàáàâèõ îòãîâîðà, çàùîòî áÿõ íà ìîðå- Êàëèàêðà å ÷óäåñíî ìÿñòî
8. àíîíèìåí - Çàùî ñïðÿõòå äà ïèøåòå?
29.10.2008 20:11
Ã-í Ñïàñîâ, î÷àêâàõ äà ïðîäúëæèàòå äà ïèøåòå â áëîãà ñè. Íå ðàçáèðàì ìîòèâèòå Âè äà ïðåêðàòèòå òîâà?
9. àíîíèìåí - ñïàñîâ,ñïàñîâ,äðåáíà äóøèöå
30.10.2008 20:10
ïúëåí öàðñêè áîêëóê èçëåçå.êàòî öÿëàòà âè êðàäëèâà øàéêà
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13.07.2011 15:18
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26.07.2011 17:29
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27. àíîíèìåí - Zwierzyniec
06.08.2011 20:46
Zoo - a town in the province. Lublin, Zamosc in the district, the seat of urban-rural commune Zwierzyniec. In the years 1975-1998 the burgh administratively belonged to the province. ZamoϾ. According to GUS facts from December 2009, the city had 3 278 inhabitants.
From 1 January 2010, the diocese has grown nigh some village Obrocz, with an district of ??136.92 hectares

Zoological garden is an effective and oftentimes visited tourist and leisure turn to in Roztocze and is considered "main" of the Mesial mites. It is located on the Wieprz, at the frontier between Roztocze Resident Park. Holds its headquarters here, in a significant chƒteau ("Chƒteau of plenipotentiary") in faction of it's reborn Converge for Schooling and Museum of the park. In their precincts, reasonable as the southern frontiers of the city, there are ponds, "Echo."
To the west of Zwierzyniec 3 km away is the type between lime-sand Roztocze Middle and West Roztocze loess. The burg on all sides is surrounded past forests, which occupy 66% of the commune.

The most agent structure in village is a church on the islet of St. Nicholas. John of Nepomuk from the Baroque facade of the mid-eighteenth century (1741-1747), funded by the then Ordynat Thomas Antoni Zamoyski. The humble interior murals are Smuglewicz Luke.
It should also see a brewery founded by means of Zamoyski in 1806 in the historic construction is at this very moment the company's bottling beer Perla Lublin - Lublin Breweries. In the courtyard of the machinery since August 2000, every year is Summer Film Academy.
Simple captivating and almost unknown area is Zwierzyniec Borek. It is a complex of 71 ligneous houses that were built at the walk into a stop of the 20s and 30 Twentieth century, when the Ordinance Zamojska peasants gave the precinct a consequence of of rights to easements. Borek creates six streets, one of which, st. Narrow, is single because of its deviating and fully-preserved artificial buildings. Walk the streets and other Borek takes us into the mood of the interwar period.
In the years 1940-1944 the Nazis created a settlement for civilians and resettlement camp for the inhabitants expelled from the Zamosc region. In this square footage there is modern Roman-Catholic Church. Our Lady Queen of Correct in the next half of the twentieth century.
Outstanding article: The expulsions of Poles during Elated Engagement II made sooner than the Germans.
In Zwierzyniec are 68 odd monuments, plaques and recorded and religious figures, as per bunch of inhabitants there is one quarry allowing for regarding far 50 people. This is undoubtedly a reputation nationwide. Centre of these monuments are among others dedicated to the soldiers of Army, Hick Battalions, foresters, ormowcom, insurgents January, the French captives, Hungary, dog Marysieñka Sobieska and profuse other characters or events. The most conspicuous cenotaph (obelisk) - the only solitary in the world - is a monument in a town reserve, placed to hallow the eradication of locusts, during its attack on the megalopolis in 1711

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11.08.2011 20:02
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